The Vorsprung Project

"It didn’t take long for me to find out, that, this man was a genius."

Dylan Morgan
Footballer and multi-sports player.

I first joined SCVorsprung back in September of last year after meeting Vranek at a charity game.

It didn’t take long for me to find out that this man was a genius.

After participating in many different sports clubs, in various different sports, as soon as I had taken my first training session with
Vorsprung, I realised, that, I had never experienced anything like this.

Many of the training exercises we do are all about improving the neurological connections within your body, in order to make them work as efficiently as possible with your brain, thus improving your sporting performance.

The exercises actually looked relatively simple to me when I first saw them, but reality hit me in the face when I tried these exercises for the first time, wow! I was doing even the simplest things wrong, most of the time without even realising!

I continued working with
Vorsprung and within a couple of months I started making progress, the exercises were becoming gradually easier and more natural for me, and that, what was essentially the rewiring of the neurological signals and connections between my mind and body, was giving me results!

I was noticing these results within every sport I played, from sprinting to basketball to football, and I felt fitter, stronger and better balanced than ever before.

The work we do in training genuinely pays-off, and I've never gone home with sore muscles after a session, unlike at almost every other sports team I've been at, I am certain that this is due to the warm-up and stretch-downs. In fact, after many of the sessions we do I feel more energised AFTER doing the sessions, than I did before. To me this just proves the effectiveness of the warm-up and stretch-down routines.

I couldn’t be more grateful to the work
Vorsprung have done with me so far, everybody has been so helpful, and there is a real culture of team-work and a willingness to help each other out. So, whilst, you may struggle with the exercises at first, everybody will be willing to help you and you won’t be judged, since everyone struggles at first!

Everybody, that,
Vorsprung has recruited is incredibly hard working, humble and are genuinely nice people, I couldn’t recommend it more. The amount of knowledge I have learnt from Vorsprung, and the amount of things they've helped me improve athletically has been absolutely phenomenal.

It's absolutely amazing the level of coaching we have at
Vorsprung with Vranek, from being at so many sports clubs, things I've never been pulled-up on, such as my previous running-style making me slightly slower, were finally brought to notice after working with Vorsprung.

I genuinely could not recommend it more, I really know first-hand how effective and helpful
SCVorsprung has been to me.”

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